Ross Olson's Web Site

Social Issues: Letters

From: ross{at} Date: September 7, 2020 To: opinion{at]
Subject: Deaths

200,000 deaths in the US by Covid19 is a national tragedy. But what of the over 600,000 deaths per year
by abortion? And why are those who mourn them considered to be fringe zealots, simply opposed to
freedom? A significant number of women who undergo an abortion -- and not a few of the men who
insisted on it -- experience significant post-traumatic stress disorder, but it is dismissed as the cost of
modern living. Actually, a whole generation is missing, 61 million since 1973, putting the US into a
shrinking population spiral. The economic consequences are huge. Is anybody interested in talking
about it?

Ross S. Olson MD
Richfield MN 55423

Send comments to me at ross{at}

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