Ross Olson's Web Site

Social Issues: Letters

From: Ross Olson <ross{at}>
Sent: Saturday, June 8, 2019
To: opinion{at}
Subject: Purpose of College

Purpose of College

Judith Koll Healey makes a good case for a liberal education (“College is about more than landing a
lucrative job” 6/8/2019) except that a liberal education is not what is happening in colleges! Rather
than being exposed to many ideas and learning how to evaluate and think logically, students are
required to conform to “correct” ideas. Let me explain one that I know in detail. I went through my pre-
med and medical education being taught that evolution is indisputable. Only when, years later, I
actually looked at the evidence, did I discover that life requires a designer. However, in academia that
logical conclusion was forbidden by a philosophical slight-of-hand, decreeing that “science” cannot
consider any non-material causes.

This principle is mirrored in every field of academic study where “the rules of the guild” determine who
gets qualified to be considered an “expert” and even who is degreed, hired, funded and published.

Ross S. Olson MD
Richfield MN 55423

Send comments to me at ross{at}

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