Ross Olson's Web Site

Social Issues: Letters

From: Ross Olson
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2021
To: opinion{at}
Subject: Sexual Health

Kristen Mark asks the right questions about sexual health but fails to look at opinions backed by the most reliable evidence. ("Standing Up for Sexual Health"
Star Tribune Inspired 1/30/2021). What we now consider normal sexual behavior, consent without commitment, has actually been studied. Doctors Freda Bush and
Joe McIlhaney have shown that with multiple broken sexual relationships, the ability to attach to a partner and even to experience pleasure are dulled and
eventually lost. They document this in "Hooked" Northfield Publishing, quoting over 260 studies and showing the biochemical basis.

There is real measurable damage, and yet this is what we are promoting to the next generation as "safe sex" if they avoid sexually transmitted diseases and
pregnancy. Any adult who has experienced divorce or unfaithfulness of a partner knows the devastating effect it can have. So why do we pretend that
adolescents can experience multiple partners unscathed?

What is the conclusion? One partner for life is the healthiest - emotionally and physically. Why is it not enthusiastically accepted and endorsed by those
who care about these things? Can I guess? Is it because it is an old idea? Could it be the fact that it is endorsed by religious values? I hope it is not just
the desire to justify personal promiscuity.

Ross S. Olson MD

Richfield MN 55423

Send comments to me at ross{at}

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